The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted five to four to maintain quantitative easing (QE) at £325bn this month, overruling the governor and three colleagues who called for further expansion.
The drop in inflation announced yesterday has paved the way for another round of quantitative easing by the Bank of England as early as next month, reports suggest.
The Court of the Bank of England has commissioned reviews into the Bank of England's provision of liquidity to the banking system during the financial crisis and its forecasting abilities.
Bank of England policymaker Adam Posen will step down from the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on 31 August when his three-year term comes to an end.
The countries of southern Europe (and elsewhere) are beginning to behave like teenagers after their first all-night party.
Former Monetary Policy Committee member Andrew Sentance does not expect the Bank of England to unveil more QE tomorrow, and said this is the right course of action to avoid triggering higher inflation.
Lord Norman Lamont, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, has blamed the Bank of England's low interest rate policy in the mid-2000s as the "biggest single contributory factor" of the 2008 crisis.
Monetary Policy Committee member Adam Posen's surprise decision to curtail his calls for further quantitative easing in the UK raises questions over the Bank of England's next move.