Web stories with the highest clicks
Crispin Odey is among hedge fund managers shorting Aberdeen Asset Management's stock on fears the latest £9.9bn outflows reported by the company spell further trouble ahead.
Odey Asset Management is to pass its £217m Continental European fund to ex-Waverton manager Oliver Kelton.
Odey Asset Management has blasted a bid for trading platform Plus500, the second largest holding on James Hanbury's CF Odey Absolute Return fund, calling the move "opportunistic".
Crispin Odey's flagship portfolio sustained heavy losses last month after the manager appeared to be caught out by a move in the Australian dollar.
Crispin Odey rose up the rankings in 2014, but which other hedge fund managers stand among the richest in the UK?
Crispin Odey has warned of a bubble in European equities, saying ECB QE has left investors with no option but to buy the asset class - similar to the dynamic now visible in China.
Odey's Tim Bond has joined the board of Law Debenture investment trust, after being voted in at its 2015 AGM.
Crispin Odey has likened his portfolios to a "hot curry", as equities' serene progression puts markets at odds with the manager's bearish views.