There are many barometers of health for the world economy. However, none is more important than trade, writes Richard Jeffrey, chief economist at Cazenove Capital.
A trade war would hurt both the US and China
There are many imbalances around the world, but there are two colossal surpluses and two large deficits which stand out, writes John Redwood, Charles Stanley's chief global strategist.
As Donald Trump prepares to enter the White House, normally serious and intelligent people seem to have lost a sense of perspective, writes David Coombs, head of multi-asset investments at Rathbones.
As the most exciting US Presidential race in decades reaches its conclusion, three fund managers from Pioneer Investments give their views on the implications for different asset classes.
It is probably not an overstatement to suggest the UK is facing the biggest challenge for 70 years.
World trade growth has slowed since 2008