Gartmore saw outflows of £1.2bn following the suspension of star manager Guillaume Rambourg, its first quarter results reveal.
Suspended Gartmore manager Guillaume Rambourg returned to work as an analyst last week as the group denied it had forced out head of compliance Gerry Harvey.
Gartmore has denied it forced out its head of compliance Gerry Harvey, who left the firm two months after joining.
Guillaume Rambourg is to return to Gartmore as an investment analyst as the firm names a new co-manager alongside Roger Guy.
Gartmore UK Alpha fund manager Leigh Himsworth has increased his weighting to small and mid caps on expectations of increased M&A activity.
Gartmore fired one of its senior traders for breaching rules just weeks before the suspension of star fund manager Guillaume Rambourg.
Tony Lanning, head of multi-manager at Gartmore, explains the thinking behind the group's MultiManager Absolute Return fund range