Platform fees will remain VAT exempt, according to guidance released by HM Revenue and Customs.
A crackdown on employers that set up offshore trusts for top earners has started to pay off, helping HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) more than double its takings from investigations into big companies' payroll tax avoidance last year.
An offshore tax avoidance scheme used by Aberdeen Asset Management to pay its employees tax-free bonuses has been closed by Scotland's most senior court.
Investment Week's news editor Nick Paler took the top accolade at last night's Platform Awards, winning journalist of the year.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is being criticised for failing to stem a rise in tax complaints, which more than doubled in 2012-2013 compared with the previous year.
Hargreaves Lansdown said the move to super clean share classes will not automatically lead to a ‘new normal' annual fund charge of 65bps, claiming it has already negotiated greater discounts with some groups.
Hargreaves Lansdown has moved to officially challenge HMRC's decision to impose a tax on platform rebates paid to consumers, after the revenue's move to introduce the tax earlier this year.