A director of a mortgage brokerage has been disqualified from acting as a company director for 13 years for misleading investors, the regulator and HMRC.
Former government chief whip Andrew Mitchell has invested in a high-profile film financing company considered to be a tax avoidance scheme by HMRC, according to reports.
A list of tax avoidance schemes whose users may be required to make an upfront payment of tax has been published by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
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HM Revenue and Customs has issued fresh guidance on its decision to tax unit rebates after receiving a number of queries from fund groups and platforms.
People looking to establish tax avoidance schemes will have to pay due taxes to HMRC upfront before applying to get it back through the courts, Chancellor George Osborne has announced.
The government has launched an advertising campaign targeting taxpayers with money hidden in offshore accounts.
Stephen Mohan, head of UK & Ireland at Allfunds Bank, has reignited conversations with fund managers and clients about ‘0%' share classes, amid potential changes to VAT rules.
HM Revenue and Customers has issued a warning to taxpayers not to be caught out by email phishing scams offering tax rebates in return for bank account or credit card details.