Groups back latest cost proposals but performance fees escape new rules
The FCA has said it will not issue further guidance on inducements, despite growing calls to do so from fund groups.
Our plans to turn around UK equity performance
The Investment Management Association (IMA) has written to UK fund groups asking them to anonymously disclose details of salary structures following discussions with EU regulators.
Kames Capital is considering a move into the multi-asset absolute return space, following strong inflows into its existing absolute return products and the outstanding success of the multi-billion pound GARS franchise.
The Financial Reporting Council has formally agreed proposals from the Investment Management Association that will see fund managers break down profits and losses in pounds and pence figures for the first time.
The Investment Management Association (IMA) has called on members to "abandon" the use of annual management charges (AMCs) on any literature following the Financial Conduct Authority's guidance on fund fees.
The industry's most concentrated funds have comfortably beaten their more conventional rivals over all time periods, new data has revealed.
How Fidelity's Price dodged EM sell-off
Fund fee transparency: Time to get a move on?