For months now, in the build-up to the end of year RDR deadline, fund providers have been anxious to tap into adviser and client demand for risk-rated, multi-asset portfolios.
M&G Investments has hired BlackRock's Michelle Scrimgeour as group risk director as Les Scrine retires from the role after almost 30 years of service.
It is perhaps unhelpful that the investment industry is wedded to the notion that volatility is analogous to risk. Volatility is a simple measure of market movements and is often misunderstood.
What the recent FSA Guidance Note on investor risk profiling made clear was that it is useless to spend time assessing a customer's attitude to investment risk unless at least equal attention is given to ensuring the investment recommended matches the...
Kweku Adoboli, an ETF trader at UBS, is suspected of unauthorised trading which cost the bank £1.3bn. But UBS is far from alone in suffering the sting of internal fraud, as this gallery of the world's most infamous rogue traders shows...
The revelation of rogue trading at UBS follows a period of market volatility. That is nothing new, say risk managers.
Am I the only one to have noticed many investors seem to be using heightened uncertainty to suggest a new moral order should prevail?
Announcing a haircut on Greek bond holdings would help restore a positive mood to bond markets, which have largely priced in such a move, said DWS Investments' CIO Asoka Wöhrmann.
The focus for my innovative suggestions this week is the thorny subject of risk and why both advisers and investors need to better understand the truly volatile nature of investing.
Investors have got over the wobbles of February. The ides of March were good for the bulls. The main investors and commentators are in love with risk again.