Financial planner Informed Choice has criticising the bulk of absolute return funds for charging unjustifiably high fees and lacking consistency of returns.
Henderson Global Investors has merged its Managed Distribution fund into its Cautious Managed offering, with managers John Pattullo and Jenna Barnard joining Chris Burvill on the combined portfolio.
Equity markets around the world have struggled to make headway this year, with many major indices giving up gains made early on to leave them standing flat or down for 2012.
Henderson Global Investors has acquired French property asset management firm Horizon Investment Management.
Henderson Global Investors is making its institutional share classes available to retail investors, and launching a range of 0.75% share classes, ahead of the RDR deadline at the end of the year.
Henderson's John Bennett said European equities are in the very late stages of a bear market, providing "once in a generation" opportunities to buy the asset class.
Henderson Global Investors' bond fund manager John Pattullo said the current crisis in Spain will result in Spanish bank bondholders taking severe haircuts, after a similar scenario in Ireland last year.